Public safety concerns all communities across the United States. Over the past decade, people’s sense of safety has been in decline. Yet, statistics indicate that crime overall has been decreasing, due in part to new technologies and more innovative strategies. At the same time, in certain neighborhoods—usually urban—crime and fear of crime remain a daily truth, and the relationships between neighborhoods and police are as much a part of the problem as the solution.
Consequently, many cities face several interrelated challenges: (1) people in many urban places feel less safe—physically, economically, and socially; (2) fewer resources are available to address societal problems; (3) demographic, technological, and political changes are undermining past practices and conceptions of how the world works; and (4) innovative practices related to real and perceived safety often lack support, in part due to the lack of credible evaluations and communications about their impacts.
One powerful solution for many cities involves engaging anchor institutions as partners in addressing real and perceived safety beyond campus boundaries. Such partnerships are most effective when these institutions’ anchor missions and actions align with their communities’ priorities. The urban university is a key anchor institution. As part of its national efforts, the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities (USU) engaged in a four-step process to (1) identify types of community-university safety partnerships and how they worked; (2) categorize the key safety issues they addressed; (3) document effective or promising practices for each safety issue; and (4) suggest actions available to communities and universities to address ongoing challenges.
The results of this effort are compiled in the report Urban Public Safety Partnerships that Advance Urban Development. Key insights are summarized below.
Common Characteristics Of Effective University-Community Public Safety Partnerships
They were data driven, relying on evidence for decision-making.
They were people centered, focusing on quality of life, not just crime reduction.
They were plan enabled—a part of a wider multifaceted strategy to strengthen neighborhoods or the city as a whole.
Categories of Effective and Promising Practices To Improve Student Safety Off-Campus
Student codes of conduct
Good neighbor policies
City ordinances
Community reporting
Sexual assault and misconduct
Rental inspection programs
Social media efforts
Crime pattern assessments
Smartphone apps
Categories of Effective and Promising Practices To Improve Community Safety
Research practice partnerships
Federally funded programs
Embedded researcher programs
Institutes and centers for crime and safety analytics
Crime prevention through environmental design use and training
Training programs to enhance police department legitimacy and community trust
Enhanced community policing practices and partnerships
Police officer recruitment and retention innovations
Recognizing the urgent need for even greater efforts in many cities, the report concludes with a set of possible action steps cities and universities might consider. These actions are categorized as evaluation and research, training, and scaled implementation.
Evaluation and research action steps
Carefully evaluating current cultural competence and training programs for police
Further exploring the ethical considerations related to social media monitoring and use
Expanding discussions beyond USU at meetings and conferences
Improving research about the effectiveness of USU community safety partnerships
Leveraging student research
Creating a comprehensive effective practices report
Training action steps
Enhancing scenario-based training for police
Expanding current cultural competence training to community groups
Identifying opportunities for effective distance learning programs
Scaled implementation and dissemination action steps
Pilot implementation of effective practices across three to six campuses
Perform ongoing identification and evaluation of innovative and evidence-based practices
Advocate for resources and policy change to advance these efforts
This report is a first important step in identifying what universities and their partners can do to address their distinct set of public safety challenges. There remains much work to do. The key is to recognize that keeping students safe means making communities safer and vice versa.
Partnerships are the only way forward.
Our thanks to the following people who worked so diligently to make this report a reality.
Keith Motley, Chancellor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Boston, Past Chair, USU Strengthening Communities Strand
David Cox, University of Memphis
Shari Garmise, APLU/USU
Ken Stapleton, Consultant
Cristina Neagu, Editor
Cutting Edge Design, Graphic Design
Student Safety Working Group
James Whalen, University of Cincinnati (Team Leader)
Alexander Casas, Florida International University
Eric Green, University of Akron
Joseph Han, Cleveland State University
Jennifer Hartman, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Shaina Lawrence, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
Tito Luna, Virginia Commonwealth University
Starla Officer, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
Jamie Pontius-Hogan, California State University, Fresno
Christine Reed Davis, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
William Rodriguez, University of Illinois at Chicago
Livability Partnerships
Robyn McDougle, Virginia Commonwealth University (Team Leader)
Cathy Akens, Florida International University
Jeff Brown, University of Illinois at Chicago
John Giarrusso, The State University of New York at Albany
Joseph Han, Cleveland State University
Lisa Kao, California State University, Fresno
Keith Kaufman, Portland State University
Matthew Kelley, University of Washington–Tacoma
Rita Ledesma, California State University, Los Angeles
Thomas Stucky, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
Volkan Topalli, Georgia State University
Richard Wright, Georgia State University
Police Diversity and Cultural Competence
Ed Lambert, University of Massachusetts Boston (Team Leader)
Karen Amendola, Police Foundation
Ashley Brown, University of Massachusetts Boston
Jennifer Curwick, California State University–Fresno
Leah Daigle, Georgia State University
Andrew Fox, University of Missouri–Kansas City
Joseph Han, Cleveland State University
Toya Like-Haislip, University of Missouri–Kansas City
Blake Norton, Police Foundation
Stephen Ross, University of Washington–Tacoma
John Venuti, Virginia Commonwealth University
J. Frank Wiley, The State University of New York at Albany
Marshawn Wolley, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
You can pick up a copy of the report by clicking here.