At the USU Summer meeting, our speakers took a microscope to university-city partnerships and we used a graphic recorder to document their insights and lessons learned. Take a look at the results from three panels. It is an exciting way to share knowledge.
The session Leading Change on Campus, as you can see above, taught us that leading change requires engaging with your faculty, staff, students and stakeholders, having a clear plan but a laser focus on execution, ensuring you communicate goals in a form everyone understands, and making course corrections along the way to support your students toward graduation. Thanks to our moderator, Michael Amiridis, Chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago, our speakers, Mark Becker, President, Georgia State University and Mark Rosenberg, President, Florida International University and our meeting host Ron Berkman, President, Cleveland State University for this enlightening event.
During our Pitch It:Â How to Build Deep Collaborations to Advance Change session, we learned many ways to create campus-community partnerships. What unites them all is a need to identify appropriate partners, engage stakeholders at every level, ensure actions address community-expressed goals, measure results, and share lessons learned. Whether your innovation makes small or large inroads, whether the innovation is disruptive or incremental, whether its lead by a President or a department, these insights apply. Thanks to Charles Bantz, Chancellor, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis and Ron Berkman who moderated the session, Guy Bailey, President, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley who provided the keynote address, and to our three pitch participants William Brigham, Director, Small Business Development Center, University at Albany, Karen Dace, Vice Chancellor, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and Jasmine Roberson, Director, Community Engagement, College of Engineering, Wayne State University for sharing their innovative community collaborations. We will be discussing the pitch and some of the pitch partnerships over the next few weeks, so come back and learn more.

Our Vision it: Strategies for Building Health Communities in the City, in the Neighborhood and across Campus looked across the types of university-city partnerships, from health, to safety to education to see what makes them tick. What binds them all together? Bold thinking, rich and inclusive conversations, commitment to the well-being of the community, coordination across campus, using the research and data capabilities of the university and, for the university, integrating into the very fabric of the city. Our gratitude to our facilitator, Robert Jones, President, University at Albany, and three speakers Ed Lambert, Vice Chancellor for Government Relations and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Barbara Tobias, Vice Chair, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Medical Director, Health Collaborative, and Lynnette Zelezny, Provost, California State University, Fresno and Chair of our TPG Project’s Building Strong Community Partnerships Working Group for their insights.
Thanks to Jo, our graphic recorder, at for making these wonderful visions.
What do you think? Did I miss a key insight. What do you take away from these visuals?