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Frontier Set


The Frontier Set is an $80 million higher education investment made by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to understand better how institutions transform to serve better the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s learners. The Frontier Set membership includes 29 colleges and universities and two-state systems, and intermediaries support all. The initiative is led by USU Director Andréa Rodriguez.


In 2015, USU & APLU were selected to join the Frontier Set project due to their achievements in improving student success outcomes and their history of working collaboratively with other institutions to solve complex problems. Frontier Set members are charged with conducting their equity-focused work through an equity-focused lens and piloting new strategies and tactics that will drive real change. Each participating institution is experiencing a change in different ways. Currently, three case studies are being performed that will provide more insight into how other higher education professionals and institutions can best respond to change in the best way for students, faculty, and staff.

Meet The Project Sites

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